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tv   The Story With Martha Mac Callum  FOX News  March 31, 2021 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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this happened from returning from training in delaware following a similar incident. major is getting used to his new surroundings and the person that was bitten is okay. somebody is not adjusting to life at the white house well. >> sandra: all right. great to be with you, john.i'm sandra smith. >> john: and i'm john roberts. "the story" starts right now. >> martha: thanks very much, john and sandra. i'm martha maccallum live in new york. president biden expected to land in pittsburgh, pennsylvania in the heart of steel and coal country where he will unveil a plan that pushes solar power and electric vehicles. see what he says about his choice of place for this roll-out that was billed as an enormous infrastructure program. that is a fraction of what is in the deal. the president will describe to the country in moments. it includes a $200 billion investment in electric vehicles, billions for a climate change
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core and a push towards wind and solar energy. biden says he seems himself as a modern day f.d.r. the new deal cost less as a percentage of the national gdp. biden's plan is 9.3% of our gross national product. who better to talk about this than larry kudlow who will join us. we'll start with peter doocy live in pittsburgh as we await the president. there he is on the google map. hello, peter. >> good to see you, martha. this is a infrastructure plan. there's infrastructure-related items like $115 billion to fix faulty roads and bridges. there's even more than that for a few climate change-minded priorities such as this. $174 billion to the electric
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vehicle market. $10 billion for a civilian climate clear and $16 billion to plug oil wells and clean abandoned mines. republicans in d.c. are saying count them out. >> this has been a administration of the government, by the government, for the government. the only thing it appears they're in favor of is more government spending, more taxes and more government power over your lives. >> to cover the $2 trillion price tag, the white house wants to raise the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28% and raise the global wind tax. that is a sticking point for the chamber of commerce. the line out of there we believe the proposal is dangerously misguided when it comes to playing for infrastructure. properly done, an infrastructure is an investment in the future
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and it should be paid over time, like 30 years for users that benefit from the investment. the white house is undeterred. >> if republicans have alternative ways to pay for it, we're open to hearing that. they don't think we should pay for it. we're open to hearing that, too. >> we're back in pittsburgh. almost two years after biden launched his presidential campaign here at a union hall. he will speak this afternoon in about two hours at a carpenter's training facility. as he starts the pitch, the biggest tax hike in a generation and the biggest spending proposal by the government, serious proposal ever. martha? >> martha: it's enormous. thanks, peter doocy. joining me now, larry kudlow from "kudlow" on the fox business network and former economic adviser under president trump. thanks for being here. >> thank you. >> martha: i want to start with a flashback sound bite from joe
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biden. i think that the reason that americans like the idea of a infrastructure plan is because they imagine that it would solve this problem. watch this. >> if i blind folded someone and took them at 2:00 a.m. to the airport in hong kong and said where do you think you are, they say this must be america. it's a modern airport and then took you to la guardia, you think you're in a third world country. >> martha: people think infrastructure, even a trillion dollars, we're going to have great shining airports, going to look like the jetson's, no potholes. is that we're getting here? >> nope. >> martha: good to have you here. thanks. >> what you're getting is -- you're getting a green new deal but really getting a new new deal. that's not what people bargain for. everybody likes infrastructure.
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i think vice president biden, then vice president was right, he's on target. should have stayed with that. that wouldn't require a $3 trillion tax hike and december makes of the fossil fuel industry or this new expansion of the welfare state, which they call the social infrastructure where all of these new programs would be made permanent with no work requirements at all. the contrast between him and trump is interesting here. donald trump wanted to drain the swamp. mr. biden is essentially reinflating the swamp into a kind of central planning quagmire. that's what we're doing here. it's a complete contrast in policies. again, it's be careful what you wish for. this is not the textbook infrastructure folks thought that they would get. >> martha: these people need to dig into this and see what is in here. it's called the made in america tax plan. it really punishes corporations with higher taxes, right? >> absolutely. >> martha: i'm wondering, are companies going to respond by
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making more things here in america when they see this bill? >> i doubt it. first of all, i don't think they'll make more things anywhere. taking the corporate rate from 21 to 28 and the capital gains rate from 20 to 40. the combined rate is 68% on capital gains. that is so anti-invest mint, anti-productivity, anti-wage increase, anti-mainstream blue collar worker. the global minimum tax goes from about 12.5% to 15%. there will be a new minimum tax of 15% here at home. so we're dissing every part of it. small businesses, the backbone, will lose their 20% deduction for unincorporated business, which is a huge job creator there. the individual income tax is going up. the payroll tax may go up, social security tax may go up. we don't know if that's in the
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package. it was in the original campaign policy document. so you know, this is class warfare as i see it. this is tax the rich, tax the big corporations. actually tax the small businesses, too, for that matter. expand the welfare state. take down fossil fuels, which is about 75% of american power. you can't do that in four or five years or ten years or maybe we shouldn't do that at all. you can't say on the one hand three going to invest in a lot of items like one thing that stuck out with me because i worked on it is broad band and 5g. i'm all for that. but the government says invest. the private sector is going to get killed in their investment because of the high tax rates. one of the beneficiaries here is china. this is a pro-china tax deal because china's corporate tax is 25%. >> martha: that was the whole deal when we brought the corporate tax rate from 28 to
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21. we're already at the higher end of most nations. we need to be at the lower end to get the juices of the engines running, make them want to hire people. now we're going backwards. >> there's not a small thing. if you get to the 28% federal tax rate, the combined federal and state tax on businesses will go up 28 plus about 5%. call it 33%. china is at 25. the 24 nation oecd of industrial countries averages 24 or 25. so we'll be pricing ourselves out. we will no longer be competitive. president trump issued a press release critiquing this thing and he put it very heavily. this is not helping america first. this is helping foreign countries first, this is helping china first. >> martha: i would love to hear that question asked at a news conference. why is it better to price our serves out of the global market with this corporate tax structure.
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before i let you go, in the lead-in in peter doocy's story, you nodded your head on the idea that jen psaki brought up. yeah, we would like to hear from the gop. what is your plan to pay for a infrastructure bill even if it's the one you were working on. where is the gop? where are they on this? >> i'm asking. i had senator barrasso on last night. jim jordan tonight. a trillion dollars would be fine. an average infrastructure bill, land transportation bill, you could have $500 billion over five years a trillion over ten years. here's the important thing. you don't have to have massive taxes and class warfare. fund it with public private partnerships, user fees, bonding, toll roads. you use it, you pay for it and borrow. why do we -- >> martha: yeah, it's a large expansion of government and -- >> now you're kicking, this is a new new deal.
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this is a new new new deal, quagmire, period. >> never mind the economy is cranking up. there's traffic in new york city. people are returning. one of the airlines said they're back to full capacity. >> really? new york will come back. the only stimulus i ever wanted reopen businesses. >> martha: let it happen. sit back and wait and see what happens before we roll out these programs. we'll see. larry, thank you. >> my pleasure. >> martha: the president makes his way to pittsburgh this hours, back at the white house, the president's dhs chief, the head of homeland security is about to brief lawmakers and they have all ears. they want to know what is going on at the southern border as we brace for potentially 20,000 more children coming in the next few weeks. we're told that the vice president will not be participating in this briefing. that's a question mark. why is that?
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sarah carter has been at the border. she's here next. here's huge news for veteran homeowners who need cash. refiplus from newday usa. record low mortgage rates have fallen again, while home values just keep climbing. refiplus lets you refinance at record low rates plus get an average of $50,000 for retirement tomorrow and for peace of mind today. refiplus. it's huge news. it's only for veterans. and it's only from newday usa. if you have... ...moderate to severe psoriasis, ... ...little things... ...can become your big moment. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea,... ...nausea or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have
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>> martha: so right now we expect the department of homeland security secretary who has quite a bit on his plate these days is going to brief house lawmakers. he did the senate side last week and tell them what the white house believes is happening at the southern border. it is of note that the vice president, kamala harris, who was tapped last week to oversee some aspects of this is not going to be part of that briefing as far as we know. the briefing is likely to be a bit tense given what has been revealed this week. more transparency has happened and we've had a look at some of these videos. the complete, you know -- there's no social distancing happening in this situation, folks.
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these people are in a very tough environment. we've learned that millions in taxpayer dollars that was going to build the wall, to the contracts, is still being paid out because the contracts are still in effect even though the president has halted construction. so that's money down the drain at this moment. william la jeunesse is live in california where he has shown us people going through the gaps where they stopped building the wall. hi, william. >> hi, martha. i'll take you there in a second. another large group that came through the gap. we can get there in a second. right up on the top of the ridge, these people about five minutes ago -- we're going backwards here -- were continuing through this gap in the fence that otherwise would have been finished had president biden not halted the contracts.
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now they've left hand all kinds of equipment and these holes in the wall that have been highways for migrants. you have thousands of steel bollards. meantime, filled with concrete, heavy equipment idle and you're paying for nothing. cancelling the contracts may cost more than finishing the job. >> the contractor hasn't stopped receiving money even though they're not working for two months. the contractors are being paid because they have resources. workers, equipment, materials that can't be redeployed because they're still on contract to build the project. >> so across the border, 39 projects on hold. the majority of them are in texas. president biden has about $3 billion left to finish if he chooses. another 200 miles of fence. meantime, take a look at this video. smugglers are driving large groups of migrants at will.
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here's a coyote guide lead a woman and child and then race back to mexico. so critics say this is inhumane and harmful to the environment and urging that that money be used to restore habitat. >> it's a good thing the construction crews are not at work and the bulldozers are not destroying the border lands as we speak. but we can't breathe a sigh of relief until the contracts are cancelled for good. >> one thing i wanted to tell you, martha, the sensor wire that is going to be installed because it's not yet because the last things to be put in on the lights and the sensors that go at the baseline an awareness of what is happening. that's not being put in because that's the last thing in the safe wall project or small wall. back to you. >> martha: unbelievable. back to you. i want to point out from a financial perspective, every bit that is paid for on the
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surrounding wall is basically now worthless. the wall is only as good as -- having a hole in the wall makes all of the wall built on either side moot because people can go straight through these open areas that tax dollars are still paying money for. joe biden was in favor as vice president of the secure fence act. he was in favor of that. now as president, he has a different take on it. my next guest is just back from her latest trip to the southern border. she's been covering the southern border since 2003. she knows it very well. fox news contributor sarah carter joins me now. good to see you. thanks for being here. just your reaction to william's piece there as we watch people go through the gaps. the gaps are financial as well all across the border. >> right.
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an excellent piece by william la jeunesse. you can see the gaps. when i'm down there, in yuma, arizona, a large gap. in texas, large gaps. you can see the construction equipment abandoned and left off to the side. you know these areas in arizona, there was an area called smuggler's canyon. that area was left wide open and hundreds of people were just pouring in. i think what is interesting here, martha, what a lot of people don't understand, the drug cartels and the human traffickers work together. the human traffickers pay a large tax to move these people through the border area, particularly these porous areas. when they do that, they coordinate with the drug traffickers. while they're moving in large groups through the porous areas, the drug cartels are moving in contraband and narcotics, fentanyl. we saw a huge ton of fentanyl come in. they hide it in like burritos. that was the last story that came through.
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they'll wrap up the fentanyl and bring it through. imagine the drugs and people that don't want to be captures that are coming in through other areas, this is what law enforcement is saying. their hands are tied behind their backs. they cannot do their jobs forcefully enough, particularly with this many people coming in through those porous areas. >> martha: it bears reminding. there's a system. people are allowed to come through the checkpoint. the check points have been closed now. so there's a way for people to safely come in to our country. there's a process for it. it has been negated at the moment. sarah, thanks very much. always good to see you. >> thank you. >> martha: late today, house gop leader kevin mccarthy saying that congressman matt gaetz could lose his spot on the judiciary committee if the allegations of sex trafficking that the department of justice is investigating turn out to be true. very strong statement from
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mccarthy. constitutional attorney jonathan turley breaks down the facts and the florida congressman's carefully worded defense while he was on with tucker last night. that's next. >> the person doesn't exist. i've not had a relationship with a 17-year-old old. the allegation as i read it is i traveled with some 17-year-old in some relationship. that is false and records will bear that out to be false. karma-karma chameleon ♪ ♪ you come and go ♪ ♪ you come and go-o-o ♪ ♪ loving would be easy if your colors were like my dreams ♪ ♪ red, gold -- ♪ [ tires screech ] [ crickets chirping ] for those who were born to ride there's progressive. with 24/7 roadside assistance. ♪ karma-karma-karma-karma-karma chameleon... ♪
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>> on march 16, my father got a text message demanding a meeting where a person demanded $25 million for making sex allegations going away. there's people trying to smear me at the department of justice, providing for flights and hotel rooms for people that you're dating that are of legal age is not a crime. >> that was congressman matt gaetz telling tucker carlson that he didn't have a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old and it's part of a plot to extort money from his family. the "new york times" reports the justice department is investigating whether he broke sex trafficking laws by paying for the girl to travel with him. >> it's a horrible allegation and it's a lie. "the new york times" is returning a story that i traveled with a 17-year-old
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woman. that is verifiably false. people can look at my travel records and see that that is not the case. the person doesn't exist. i've not had a relationship with a 17-year-old. that is false. the allegation is that i traveled with a 17-year-old and some relationship that is false and records will bear that out. >> martha: so no comment from the justice department where the investigation has been going on a year according to reports. let's bring in jonathan turley, constitutional attorney and fox news contributor. good to see you today, jonathan. this is very -- it's intriguing obviously. the investigation has been going on a year we're told. what questions jump out at you and what would you want to ask him? >> well, first of all, it shows that under bill barr the department did act in an apolitical nonpartisan way. this is another investigation of someone who is a trump
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supporter. the question is, what is really being investigated? according to the congressman, there's an extortion conspiracy that was involved here. according to "the new york times," there's a question of traveling with an underage girl for sex and violation of federal law. this is something that the truth could be determined. either she's younger than 18 or she's not. either he traveled with her or he did not. those facts are probably established at this point. it's hard to imagine that they're not. so i'm a little bit confused as to the timing of this leak and the inability to confirm these basic facts. clearly if these allegations are true, he's going to lose his committee position. he's at risk of being sanctioned if not expelled from congress. if they're not true, the "new york times" also has some serious questions to answer. so do those that leaked the
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story. i just don't understand why we can't not get to the base of this allegation fairly quickly. >> martha: seems that the records would substantiate it or negate it on the face of it. you know, he says he's the subject, not a target. define for people what the difference would be. >> yeah, being a subject means that you are subject to the investigation. you can become a target. it is not uncommon. most subjects do not end up indicted. its an important distinction for those of us on the criminal defense side. when your client is told you're a subject, you tell them, look, the difference between a subject and a target is just one indictment away. don't make any assumptions here. i think that it is unfair to have these types of leaks come out in a criminal investigation, particularly when the facts are likely known with some certainty. because it does lead to a lot of
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speculation. one side is saying this is part of an extortion conspiracy, which is a very serious allegation. the other side saying that it's -- it's a sexual abuse case. meantime, the person on this telephone call that the representative is talking about has reportedly said he's got no objection to that call's recording being released. neither does the congressman. so why not release that recording? it's not like you're trying to keep information from core parties. they know. they were on the call. so i think a lot of questions have to be answered including why this leak and the little information we're getting on the base allegations. >> martha: yeah. you raised all excellent points and hopefully we'll get more of this that will come to light. a former department of justice official excuses him of being
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extorted. thanks, jonathan. >> thank you. >> martha: a live look at air force one. it has landed now at pittsburgh international airport as we await the president that is set to sell his massive, larger than the new deal program to the people of the united states. will they buy in? will they be interested in this across the board? more on that and next senator tom cotton is here on this incredible story that he has been on for a very long time. he says the chinese communist party's finger parents are all over a wuhan white wash investigation. and what really happened at that lab and why does everybody keep scrambling to say that it was nothing when other investigators that we spoke to yesterday say it absolutely is something. he's next. with mortgage rates at their lowest in history, it's time to refi. but if you're a veteran homeowner and need cash, here's big news. introducing refiplus from newday usa.
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may have emerged in other countries first. governments are slamming this report. they call it wuhan whitewash, some of them. so david asher, who is an investigator who has uncovered nuclear weapons organizations, all kinds of things in republicans and democrats the last 20 years. he was in charge of looking into the origins of the virus. he joined us yesterday and sounded the alarm on what he says is a chinese bio weapons program. >> what we learned is so horrifying about the implications of what china is doing with viruses as a weapons vector. many people said oh, viruses are not an effective weapons vector. look what happened to the world. >> martha: republican senator tom cotton is a critic of china's handling of the pandemic and says that evidence suggested that covid originated from an accidental lab breach. senator, thanks very much for being here. you have been sounded this alarm
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for some time. secretary of stated, the former secretary of state mike pompeo has been sounding the alarm on specifics that he has not been able to shed a light on. david asher was part of the team. what did you think of what he had to say? >> i think it's very interesting. i think it sheds light on this world health organization report that even the biden administration and our allies say is a little more than whitewashing chinese culpability. the world health organization and the director is very friendly with china. all the evidence that we have points to the laboratories in wuhan. not some open air food market in which more than half of the original cases didn't even have any contact with. if you look at what china has done and destroying the early evidence about the origins of this outbreak, how they wouldn't allow access to the scientists
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or the laboratories. when we finally had a who team that went there, they had coffee and doughnuts and power point slides. >> martha: i'm not sure why people anticipate this report so highly or reads into it in a way that is clearly not an unbiassed report. it basically scatters blame and vagueness all over the course of this whole scene. what really matters, this is something that bill gurtz bright up, this was an effective. it killed millions of people. you know, more than half a million in this country alone. what do we have to be looking forward to? what do we have to be savvy about what might be coming our way next? >> martha, the simplest
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explanation this is an accidental leak. they happen. you hope they don't but they happen in the united states. they especially have a history of happening in china. u.s. diplomats were in this lab in 2018 and they raise grave alarms about the safety practices. we should stop funding chinese laboratories. dr. fauci doubted it came from this laboratory. he's the last person to re-assure the american people. it was his agency that was providing funding for this research at the laboratories in wuhan. so the american people should no longer be funding a chinese laboratory. >> martha: here's mr. asher. i want your thoughts on the other side. >> this is like three or four generations occurring in nature. nobody would deliberately create something like this that turns into a frankenstein without being a mad scientist. >> martha: so the suggestion is it has this gain of function ability, this virus, which helps
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it cleave into human sells more easily. >> i'm not a scientist. i can't say conclusively what happened. we know that this lab has a long history of shoddy, sloppy practices as identified by diplomats 2 1/2 years ago. >> martha: thanks, senator cotton very much on this early on. we should point out that it's looking more and more like you're on to something. we'll keep digging. thanks, senator. the biden administration now floating summer school. an idea that we've talked about to offset a year of lost learning. we dig into the details. if there's spring break for san diego children who have come in from other countries, perhaps summer could be a place to catch up for our students here as well. that's next.
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>> martha: schools are shutting down for three weeks in france to help stop the spread of covid. emmanuel macron announcing a curfew and month-long ban on domestic travel. he's taking the steps because the epidemic is accelerating. the big concern is the hospitals, the number of patients in intensive care hit a 11-month high. meanwhile here at home, many parents are wondering if summer school is an option for the children that have fallen behind as so many of them have after a year of remote learning. here's president biden's deputy
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education secretary nominee cindy martin. >> what we're planning for students, is learning loss recovery from an academic perspective and social emotional perspective. we pulled together a group across the city working with our mayor's office and multiple nonprofits across the city and region to give kids a tremendous summer experience. >> this is a great idea. edward lawrence from fox business digs in to how it could play out live at the wnca in washington. hi, edward. >> yeah, we're talking about or starting to hear about a learning deficit from kids as they go back to school for the in-person learning. i'm at the anthony bowen ymca in washington d.c. where they already expanded programs in coordination with schools and expanding summer programs to get kids to come in and learn and interact with other kids. >> we need to be able to offer to children and to families a way so when school starts in the
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fall that we're going to have children that are going to feel comfortable. they're going to be confident and able to walk in to the schools feeling like they are where they need to be. >> the issue is not local to washington d.c. you have school systems and states talking about that expanded summer school experience to bridge the educational gap that happened during the virtual learning. in nevada, a bill is going through the state legislature there on the senate side that would pay or make free all summer learning for all kids there. listen. >> we just want to, you know, allow that loss of learning during the pandemic to pivot and be recognized so that we can make sure that every child has, you know, access and is ready to go back to school in the fall. >> the concern from the educator
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is the amount of time that kids are spending in front of screens and the lack of socialism. they would like to see the american rescue plan money to go to programs like this that is coordinated with the school systems. not just the school systems. >> martha: exactly. $166 billion to schools. that would be great to see a chunk of that spent to back up these summer programs and get the kids up to speed as they head back in september. thanks very much. joining me now with their thoughts on this, wednesdays will, will cain. we talked about this. the unions are not excited about starting in the summer. what do you say? >> i think it could be a good idea. i heard you say this is a great idea. i could be a great idea. i'm sure we share the same diagnosis of the problem. we heard in an edwards report about the learning detriment the past year. one study out of new jersey suggests a 36% decline in
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english skills and a 40% decline in mathematics. the numbers are higher among minority students. so we not only have a learning deficit, martha, we know we have essentially a year where we have lost ground on socialization and mental health. it's not just a lost year. it's a year where we rolled backwards. in summer school, a way to fix that. as long as i would say it's in person and not a boondoggle meaning a pay off for the teacher unions for light work. summer school, i've read, it's a mixed bag whether it can make up ground but as much ground as we have lost, it could be a very good idea if we're in-person and not just a pay-off to the unions. >> martha: a very good point. you can see the ymca program and people choosing other alternatives. a west virginia plan where you get all the tax dollars that were spent on your child in the public domain, you get the
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flexibility to spend them anyway you want. you can send them to catholic school, do your own school. this is a huge development out of west virginia. it will be interesting. san diego, their kids are supposed to finally go back to school on april 12 before they do that, they're asking teachers to volunteer to teach the children that crossed the border and being held at these facilities. your thoughts. >> it's the educational equivalent of spitting in the face of americans. we've been told so absurd things. we were told it was controversial to wonder about the origins of covid. we're were told it was scientific to keep our kids out of school. we've been told everything is racesist. when do we reapply logic and rationale and put our foot down? we're sacrificing our children.
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teachers can teach migrant children but our american kids have to stay at home? i hope that absurd moment is when we put our foot down and go no more nonsense. it's time for reason, logic and rationality. >> martha: they're talking about three feet in the classroom and these poor kids are body to body lined up for processing. makes no -- it's lacking any form of common sense. they have a high covid rate. 9% among the group that they're going to teach and go straight from there back to the classroom. go figure. will, good to see you. thanks very much. >> you too. thanks. >> martha: also joining us today is alex baronson. always good to have you with us as well. a quick thought on what we just talked about, this san diego situation. what is your reaction? >> well, my reaction is that the schools should have been open since last september in california and across the
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country. look at data stratified by age, who dies from covid-19, we know anybody under 20, under 30 really even up to 40 if you don't have significant comorbidities is at low risk. to give you an example, scotland has five million people. one person under the age of 30 in scotland that didn't have comorbidities has died from covid-19 in the last year. in the netherlands, one person in total under the age of 15 has died of covid-19. that is -- that country has hover ten million people. this illness is not dangerous to children or teens or young adults. we've never really told the truth about that and terrible public policy decisions as a result. >> martha: i want your reaction to another story, which is that pfizer and bioentec and said their vaccine is 100% effective for children ages 12-15 and
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baseon our prior conversations, you have thoughts on that. >> sure. the problem with that is that they tested this -- i think in 2,200 people. so 1,100 were getting the vaccine and 1,100 were getting a placebo. these kids are not at high risk from covid. mostly it's a cold if they even knew they had it. what i'd like to see is the full data set. meaning was anybody put in the hospital because of side effects? we know nobody was hospitalized because of covid. were there other side effects that didn't lead to hospitalization but lead to other problems. do they do pry clinical work to justify testing this on adolescents? if you look at the briefing books that the companies submitted to european regulators and u.s. regulators, they did very minimal preclinical work before they put it in human trials. given the tiny risks of covid itself to kids this age, why are we pushing for a vaccine?
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>> martha: that's a very good question. i'd like to see massive antibody testing so people could say apparently i had it. let's opt out. so i want to squeeze in ron desantis, this is the governor of florida on passports. >> it's unacceptable for the government or the private sector to impose upon you the requirement that you show proof of vaccine to just be able to participate in normal society. >> martha: it's a big hot topic right now, alex. where do you stand on this? >> as you can imagine, i absolutely agree with governor desantis. vaccines are a personal decision. they should be especially, again, for something like this where the risks of covid are so different for the young and the old. what makes sense for my mother to get vaccinated may make no sense for any children. that's a decision that i should be allowed to make without a mandate where oh, you don't have
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to get vaccinated. you can never fly or go to a sporting event or anything. i think we really need to talk about what is happening here with this effort to quasi mandate vaccines. >> martha: thank you, alex. good to see you. >> thank you. >> martha: more of "the story" next. stay with us. ♪♪ ing refipluusa. m newday refiplus lets you refinance at record low rates to save money every month plus you could get an average of $50,000 cash. that's money for security today and money for retirement tomorrow. refiplus, it's only for veterans and it's only from newday usa.
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>> martha: former president trump moving plans to move forward with his own social media platform. twitter, facebook and instagram and other social media sites banned him after the capitol hill riot. the trump team has one shot to launch this new platform, so they're taking their time to do it right. we'll watch and see what comes of that when the former -- from the former president. that's "the story" march 31, 2020. we'll see you tomorrow at 3:00.
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"your world" with neil cavuto is now. stick around for that as the market gets ready to close in new york city. we'll see you tomorrow, everybody. have a great day. >> neil: all right. ready for a little infrastructure? how about a lot of infrastructure. the scene right now in pittsburgh, pennsylvania. in 20 minutes or so, we'll hear from president biden outlining a 2.25 trillion spending push that will include more for roads, bridges and get our nation's grid up to speed and money for the disabled and the elderly that has some republicans wondering, what does that have to do with infrastructure? welcome. i'm neil cavuto. this is "your world." when it comes to big government programs, this president might know no rival after getting $2


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